Tuesday, 4 January 2011

The fight of your life

The craziest thing happened this weekend.

So it's a new year. Resolutions, aspirations and goals are whirring around inside the heads of the masses, each of us pledging to follow our dreams this year, to push the boundaries, to make 2011 a year that counts.

Out with the old, in with the new; new thinking, new actions and tons and tons of new opportunities.

Ok, you get the point. So with all this in mind, imagine my horror on the first day of the new year when, presented with an amazing opportunity - the greatest of my budding journalistic career - that I was faced with the biggest opponent ever...


Shocked? Me too. In the Red corner, weighing 130 pounds, the undefeated champion of immaculate copy... me!

And in the Blue corner, equal weight to her opponent, swinging fists of doubt, insecurity and negative self-talk...you guessed it...me!

I was made an AMAZING offer this weekend. And in a fit of intimidation, disbelief and plain negligence, I pretty much talked myself out of a big break. Seriously. I'll disclose details another time (provided I haven't completely ruined my life!) My tongue remains in partial paraylisis following the event - I haven't spoken since for fear of what my words may destroy next!!

Confidence is a thing that must be nurtured and generated over time, I get that - however, due to my slip-up this weekend, I've been forced to revisit my progress in this area and bookmark it as a priority for improvement this year. Call it a resolution if you want, labels aren't important - what is important is that I get this bad boy in check:

By thinking thoughts like these:

As anyone who wants to get into this line of work will have a heard a gazillion times, journalism is a very competitive field. By nature, I'm not the competitive type; however, if I continue shooting myself in both feet, I'll take myself completely out of the running without any external sabotage necessary!

Fortunately, it's not too late to run damage control...(fingers crossed)

Learn from my mistake people: EVERY moment is an opportunity to sell yourselves. Remain vigilant, for at any time that enemy within may arise when you least expect it, and before you know it...


Carpe Diem.

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